Wednesday, February 08, 2006

good advice?

I suppose that you are all bored to tears (crocodile or othewise) of all this plague stuff. Well me too - it seems that everyone is over-reacting and now not only is the pesticide used to be banned by the EU later this year (better sell the stocks of quick, what better route to a conspiracy methinks!) but I have written to the French embassy asking their advice for travellers...

Dear Sir,

Currently the chikungunya epidemic is still spread over La Reunion. According to 'l'Institut de Veille Sanitaire', many people have been infected and there are some cases of deaths.

Unfortunately no vaccine exists to be immune to such a disease.

Consequently we advise you to be very careful if you should go there.

Yours faithfully,
Press Department
French Embassy

... me say nothing!

... by the way I found this one at home this afternoon. Cute in a funny Ripley b movie sorta way.

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